On Friday, November 22nd, we’ll use the new prayer book Voice of the Children to keep the service intergenerational (both kid and adult friendly). The Torah portion this week, Vayeshev, tells the story of Joseph’s brothers betraying him, so we have rich material for discussion. Joanne Slotnik & Steve Trimble will lead the service this week.
Let’s connect our Tzedakah with the story of Joseph’s many-colored coat: please bring a surplus coat to donate, and we’ll make sure that our pile of donated coats arrives at Crossroads Urban Center just in time for the onset of cold weather.
As always, we start with a vegetarian potluck at 6:00 pm in the Youth Lounge at Kol Ami. Please use the Youth Lounge doors when you arrive for the potluck. The evening service will start at 7:30 pm.
See you on Friday night.