CBY at the JCC Hanukah Market
On Sunday, Dec. 2nd, the Salt Lake City JCC will be holding its annual Hanukah Market. CBY has reserved a table and, thanks to the amazing generosity of Rachel Fishbein and her mom, we will be selling their wonderful handmade socks and hats as a benefit for CBY. The Market runs from Noon until 6 p.m. Come out and buy your holiday presents–and support CBY!
Sukkot 2012
Kathi & Sam Cohen will again host the annual CBY Sukkot celebration at their home at1541 Logan Avenue (1541 East 1620 South) at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 5th. We will be in the backyard, so come up the driveway. All are encouraged to arrive at 5:30 and help decorate the sukkah. Bring branches, vines, flowers, homemade decorations–be creative! We will be outdoors, so dress warmly. Vegetarian pot-luck. Please bring a dish to share and any necessary serving utensils. Tzedakah: be sure to bring canned food for Crossroads Urban Center.
Rachel Fishbein knows what tzedakah means. Once again, she has generously donated her stock of hand-knitted wool-blend socks and hats as a Sukkot fundraiser for CBY. What better way to stay warm on a cool night (or in the Pepper Chapel on the High Holidays–a notably cold moment!). These colorful foot-warmers will be for sale at Sukkot, on the 5th at the CBY celebration.
Adult socks: $20
Kid’s socks: $10
Hats: $15
High Holidays 2012
All Welcome!
All CBY high holiday services will be led again this year by
Reconstructionist Rabbi Michael Ross and will be held in the
Pepper Chapel, Congregation Kol Ami
Sunday, September 16 – Erev Rosh Hashanah
- 6:00 p.m. Vegetarian potluck dinner in religious school wing of Kol Ami
- 7:30 p.m. Erev RH service
Monday, September 17 – Rosh Hashanah
- 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – RH children’s service
- 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – RH adult service
- (All CBY children are invited to participate in additional Kol Ami children’s services, beginning at 10:30 am. Separate services will be offered for toddlers, preschoolers, and youth).
- 6:00 pm. Tashlich at the Goldstein’s House (4834 Naniloa Dr.)
Tuesday, September 25 – Kol Nidre
- 6:30 p.m. – Kol Nidre Service
Wednesday, September 26 – Yom Kippur
- 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – YK children’s service
- 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – YK Adult service
- (Children welcome at all KA youth services).
- 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. – Break-out groups
- 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Chanting in Pepper Chapel – ALL welcome!
- 6:00 – Yizkor
- 6:30 – Neilah
- CBY Break-the-Fast in the religious school wing at the conclusion of services (bring a salad or dessert to go with the bagels and lox).
If you are a member of Chavurah B’Yachad, you will be receiving an email with a parking pass that must be displayed on your dashboard when you park in the Kol Ami lot. If you are not a member and plan to attend CBY services, please contact jdolcourt [at] xmission.com to obtain a parking pass.
Chavurah Annual Meeting, Sunday June 3rd
SAVE THE DATE and mark your calendar now for CBY’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 3rd, from 10am-Noon.
Potluck brunch, drinks provided. Folks need to bring lawn chairs to sit in a circle in the back yard.
A weekend with Rabbi Jane Litman
Rabbi Jane Litman, Western Regional director for the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation will visit Chavurah B’Yachad on April 27th and 28th.
Rabbi Litman will lead our Shabbat services at the Pepper Chapel on Friday night, the 27th (potluck dinner at 6:00; services at 7:30). And on Saturday morning, the 28th, she will lead a Torah study session at the home of Sharon and Harvey Rishe (potluck brunch and discussion, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; 1741 E. Mill Lane).
On Saturday night, we will take advantage of Rabbi Litman’s skills as a teacher and scholar of modern Jewish history. That’s the night of the performance of Bloch’s Sacred Service by the Salt Lake Choral Artists. Composed in 1931, this Hebrew oratorio is one of the great pieces of 20th Century Jewish classical music, and we are thrilled to have the chance to hear it in Salt Lake City. Cantor Larry Loeb from Kol Ami will be one of the soloists. In the afternoon, Rabbi Litman will speak about “Bloch and his Era” connecting the dots between cultural and social changes in Jewish and other sacred music. This rich discussion will take place at the home of Joyce and Jack Dolcourt (509 Northmont Way), from 4:30 to 6:30, including a potluck supper. We’ve scheduled this early so we have time to get to Libby Gardner Hall in time for the concert at 7:30.
For tickets, see: http://www.saltlakechoralartists.org/concerts_events
ALL ARE WELCOME AT ALL EVENTS (whether or not you are a member of CBY).
for further information, contact:
Joanne Slotnik, executive committee chair: jcslotnik [at] comcast.net
Jack Dolcourt: dolcourt [at] xmission.com
Sharon Rishe: risheutah [at] gmail.com
Shabbat services, March 23rd
Shalom Chavurim,
We hope you can join us this Friday, March 23, at 6:00 p.m. for vegetarian potluck and Shabbat services. Bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share and a serving utensil for your item.
We will be collecting tzedakah for Crossroads Urban Center; in addition to generous cash donations, we will happily accept canned or packaged food!
Please do NOT enter the Kol Ami building through the main doors, but rather come up to the Youth Lounge along the sloping sidewalk along the north side of the building. (This sidewalk starts at the “top corner” of the parking lot just north of the Pepper Chapel entrance.)
Service leaders are Harvey & Sharon Rishe, musical leaders Rob Mayer and Alan Fogel, and children’s service leader Betsy Smith. Last month’s Torah portion introduced the Mishkan, the portable desert sanctuary. The parsha we study this week, Vayikra, describes the sacrificial worship to be performed in that sanctuary. If you ever wanted to question and discuss the idea of animal sacrifice, this is your opportunity. Come and get a new focus on this ancient and difficult topic.
We look forward to seeing you Friday!
Feel free to contact Sharon Rishe with any questions at:
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