Shabbat services, October 25th 2013

As part of our decision to focus on intergenerational services, Shabbat services on Friday, October 25th will feature the Reconstructionist prayer book for children, The Voice of Children in an evening equally accessible to families, kids, and adults.  Service leaders Jack and Joyce Dolcourt will moderate the thought-provoking discussion;  Mary and Peter Danzig will provide the violin and mandolin music. 

The Voice of Children: the Reconstructionist youth prayerbook

The Voice of Children: the Reconstructionist youth prayerbook

We will start with a vegetarian potluck at 6:00 pm in the Youth Lounge at Kol Ami Synagogue, 2425 E. Heritage Way. Please use the Youth Lounge doors to the north when you arrive for the potluck. The evening service will start at 7:30 pm in the Pepper Chapel.

Sukkot 2013


Our sukkah at the Cohens, 2013.

Now it’s time to turn again – this time to the pleasures of Sukkot.  We will gather for a vegetarian potluck dinner at the home of Kathi and Sam Cohen on Friday night, September 20th, at 6 pm (aka 6:15 pm Chavurah time).  We won’t be holding an extended service, but you will get to shake a lulav and inhale the sweet smell of an esrog.  If you are so inclined, please bring something seasonal with which to decorate the sukkah.  We will be celebrating the holiday outdoors, so also bring a jacket or sweater if it looks like it might be a cool evening.


High Holidays 2013


All Welcome!

All CBY high holiday services will be led again this year by

Reconstructionist Rabbi Michael Ross and will be held in the

Pepper Chapel, Congregation Kol Ami

Wednesday, September 4 – Erev Rosh Hashanah

  • 6:00 p.m. Vegetarian potluck dinner in religious school wing of Kol Ami
  • 7:30 p.m.  Erev RH service

Thursday, September 5 – Rosh Hashanah

  • 9:30 – 10:00 A.M. Adult “Warm-Up” Service led by Maeera Shreiber and AlanFogel
  • 10:00 – 10:20 A.M. Intergenerational service
  • 10:30 – 12:30 P.M. – Adult service (All CBY children are invited to participate in additional Kol Ami children’s services, beginning at 10:30 A.M. Separate services will be offered for toddlers, preschoolers, and youth.)
  • 6:00 P.M. Tashlich at Marv and Jeanie Goldstein’s home (vegetarian potluck tofollow short tashlich service) 4834 Naniloa Drive

Friday, September 13 – Kol Nidre

  • 7:30 p.m. – Kol Nidre Service

Saturday, September 14  – Yom Kippur

  • 10:00 – 1:00 P.M. Adult service (Children are welcome at all Kol Ami youth services)
  • 1:30 – 2:15 Break-out groups
  • 6:30 Yizkor
  • 7:00 Neilah
  • CBY Break the Fast in the religious school wing at the conclusion of services.  Bring a sald or dessert to go with the bagels and lox.

If you are a member of Chavurah B’Yachad, you will be receiving an email with a parking pass that must be displayed on your dashboard when you park in the Kol Ami lot.

Concert for Climate Justice, April 21st

CBY will sponsor a moving and powerful event at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon, April 21st, 2013 at McGillis School in Salt Lake City (668 South 1300 East).  Organized by CBY’s Mary Danzig (of Otter Creek), this concert will celebrate the release of a CD of folk songs addressing the challenge of climate change through the many voices of artists concerned with eco-justice.  All ten local musicians featured on the CD will perform.

Ticket sales ($7 adults / $3 children / $20 family) will benefit Peaceful Uprising and Wild Utah Project.



Rabbi Jane Litman 2013 visit to CBY

We have a lively CBY weekend coming up. Friday, March 22nd: Rabbi Jane Litman of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation will lead CBY’s Shabbat services in the Pepper Chapel.

Sunday, March 24th: Future of CBY Discussion brunch, at the home of Joanne Slotnik & Steve Trimble, 10 to 12.

Seder 2013


Seder graphic
Seder 2013 is full!  No more reservations, please.
Saturday March 30, at 6:00 p.m. in the Kol Ami Youth Lounge.
The theme for the evening is:   Inclusion (Jews and Fellow Travelers), celebrating the Mixed Multitude that accompanied the Israelites leaving Egypt and our own beautifully mixed families and couples!
Service leader:  Sharon Rishe.
Music & Children’s activities: Karen Nielsen Anson and the Danzig family (especially Eliza).   Festive meal by Betsy Smith & gracious volunteers.
You may make your reservation using the attached form, 
either by snail mail and check, 
or email & PayPal, as instructed on the form. 
Questions:  contact Sharon at risheutah [at[ or 801-272-6505. 
We look forward to seeing you!

Purim 2013

Our February 22nd service at the Pepper Chapel will be a Purim celebration .  In preparation for Purim, we are planning a Mask Making event at the Fogel’s on Sunday, February 17th from 1:00 – 4:00.  Everyone is welcome, both children and adults.  Come prepared to make a mask and to prepare for a role in the Purim play the following Friday night. Bring a light snack to share.

Please let the Fogels know if you are planning to come to the Sunday afternoon event so that we will be prepared with enough materials.  Email Jacqueline at jlfogel [at]