High Holidays 2015

Join us in the Pepper Chapel in the Congregation Kol Ami building.  Everyone is welcome! Rabbi Stephen Booth-Nadav will conduct our High Holiday services for the first time this year.  He comes to us with long experience in Reconstructionist congregations in Denver.

Sunday 9/13, Erev Rosh Hashanna:

6:00 pm  Potluck dinner in the youth lounge
7:30 pm  Services

Monday 9/14, Rosh Hashanna:

9:30 am  Children and Rabbi get-acquainted session

10:00 am  Services

6:00 pm – Tashlich service and vegetarian potluck dinner at the home of Jeannie and Marv Goldstein.

Tuesday 9/22 Kol Nidre:

7:30 pm  Services

Wednesday 9/23 Yom Kippur:

10:00 am  Services

Yom Kippur 2014

Friday, October 3 – Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre

7:30 P.M. Kol Nidre service in the Pepper Chapel

Saturday, October 4 – Yom Kippur

9:45 – 10:15 A.M Intergenerational Service

10:30 A.M. Adult service (Children are welcome at all Kol Ami youth services;

they begin at 10:20 A.M.)

1:15 & 2pm Break-out groups organized by Kol Ami

4:30 P.M. Mincha: Jonah Discussion

5:30 P.M. Yizkor

6:15 Neilah

7:30 P.M. CBY Break-the-Fast in the Religious School wing of Kol Ami at the conclusion of services. CBY will provide bagels, lox, and fixings; please bring a salad or dessert to share with others.

CBY Spring 2014 events

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming CBY events
Friday, February 28: Erev Shabbat Service The theme of the evening comes from  parsha Pekudey, talking about the surprising skills of the Israelites in the ornate building of the mishkan.  If there is a skill you’ve been wishing for but believe you may not be able to acquire, here’s a chance to explore  that challenge with fellow CBYers.  Let’s see if we can be inspired by each other’s ideas!  We will convene in the Youth Lounge of Kl Ami at 6:00 p.m. for opening blessings and vegetarian potluck (please be PROMPT; we’ve become somewhat sloppy about arrival time recently) and we will move to the Pepper Chapel at  7:30 for services. Discussion and service leaders are Harvey  & Sharon Rishe.  Musical leaders will be Alan Fogel with help from Peter Danzig and Karen Nielsen-Anson.  The children will spend the later part of the evening with Mary Danzig and Keri Sanders making masks for Purim, our next fun event.
Saturday, March 8: Chanting circle; Purim Schpiel.  In the morning (10am until 12:30 at the Fogels), there will be a chanting circle. You saw us on YouTube, now come join us live! This will be followed (12:30 – 2pm) by a pot luck “Meal and Shpiel” after our chanting service where we will enjoy one another’s pot luck dishes and do a Purim Schpiel depicting the plight of the Jews, their heroine, Esther, and of course the evil HAMENNNN!!!!  The young and young at heart are welcome to come wow us with their panache as we use the masks that we will work on during our Shabbat service 2/28.  See you then!
Friday, March 28: Erev Shabbat services at Kol Ami; Details TBA
The hallmark of our CBY Passover celebrations is our continual search for new sources of joy and deeper meaning in the holiday.  This year we will be holding our community seder in Torrey, Utah, at the home of Joanne Slotnik and Steve Trimble, on Saturday, April 19th.  (Easter is April 20th.)  If the weather permits, we will hold the seder outside.  The exact details will be worked out once we know how many people are going to attend and what the age distribution of participants will be, but right now we are leaning toward starting the seder in the late afternoon to take advantage of being in the warmth of the sun.  There will likely be additional events on Friday evening and/or Saturday morning, but again, planning will be facilitated by knowing who is likely to attend.    

The seder will be limited to CBY members and their guests.  If you have been thinking about joining the CBY but haven’t quite gotten around to doing it, let this be your impetus.  We will rely on our collective ability to prepare wonderful, vegetarian food.  (Later, you will be asked to sign up for food items to bring.)  If there is a charge to cover basic items such as wine and seder plate fixings, the charge will be very reasonable.

Please let Rob Mayer know ASAP if you plan to attend.

Shabbat services, November 22nd 2013

On Friday, November 22nd, we’ll use the new prayer book Voice of the Children to keep the service intergenerational (both kid and adult friendly).  The Torah portion this week, Vayeshev, tells the story of Joseph’s brothers betraying him, so we have rich material for discussion.  Joanne Slotnik & Steve Trimble will lead the service this week.

Let’s connect our Tzedakah with the story of Joseph’s many-colored coat: please bring a surplus coat to donate, and we’ll make sure that our pile of donated coats arrives at Crossroads Urban Center just in time for the onset of cold weather.

Karen Nielson-Anson and Mary Danzig will lead our music.  Keri Sanders will work on menorah-making with the kids.

As always, we start with a vegetarian potluck at 6:00 pm in the Youth Lounge at Kol Ami. Please use the Youth Lounge doors when you arrive for the potluck. The evening service will start at 7:30 pm.

See you on Friday night.

And while you are marking your calendars, remember the Hanukah party on Sunday, December 1st.