2015 Hanukkah Party – December 11

This year’s Hanukkah party will take place on Friday December 11 at 6:30pm. Vegetarian potluck:  Latkes and beverages will be provided.
Bring your menorahs and if you have a special story or memory, be prepared to share!
Back by popular demand: Our book give-away!  Bring a book that you have loved and enjoyed, but that you are ready to share with someone. The books need to be wrapped and marked for adult, young adult, or child.

For more information please contact us.


Passover 2015

Photos from Passover in the desert 2015. Click on the images for larger view.

Shabbat Service – November 20, 2015

Our next Shabbat service will be held on November 20th at Congregation Kol Ami synagogue. We will start in the youth lounge with a potluck vegetarian meal at 6pm and services beginning at 7:30.

We will be catching up with Jacob on his journey away from home, running for his life after having cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright and blessing.  Jacob had to be unsure of the path ahead, but tonight he finds a stone for a pillow, falls asleep and has a dream…

We are in need of some musical support for the evening, please contact us if you can help.

Passover 2014

Pictures from CBY Passover in the Desert 2014

First Shabbat service of the year 5776 – Friday Oct. 30, 2015

It has been a while since we last celebrated Shabbat together, but the wait is over.  A week from tomorrow, we will hold our first Friday night service of the year 5776.  We will begin at 6pm with kiddish and a vegetarian potluck dinner in the Kol Ami Youth Lounge.  Then we will have our service in the Pepper Chapel beginning at 7:30pm.  We will have first-time service leaders in the persons of Susan and Marty Zuckerman.  (If the service is half as good as the food that the Zuckermans contribute to our potluck, the service will be terrific.)

Next Friday the 30th will be special for another reason.  Kol Ami’s new cantor, Wendy Bat-Sarah, will be installed that weekend.   She will be honored at both their Friday night and Saturday morning services.  After the Kol Ami Friday night service, Cantor Bat-Sarah will drop in on our service so that we can help to celebrate this important event in the life of Utah’s Jewish community.

(Our next Friday night service will be November 20th, not the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend.  It will be led by Rebecca and Alex Wilson.)

Service schedule for the coming months (Oct. 2015 – May 2016)

Below is our service schedule for the coming months.
October 30, 2015

November 20, 2015

NO DECEMBER SERVICE but we will have a Chanukah party December 11

January 29, 2016

February 26, 2016

March 25, 2016

NO APRIL SERVICE but we will have a seder on Saturday, April 30th in Torrey, Utah

May 20, 2016 – assuming we can move the date from May 27th

Lisa and I are currently in the process of recruiting service leaders, with an emphasis on involving relatively new members.  You may be hearing from us, and volunteers are most welcome.

(For more information, please use the Contact Us link in the menu)

Sukkot Celebration 2015

We are having our annual Sukkot Celebration on Friday, October 2nd at 6pm at the home of Kathi and Sam Cohen. We will begin at 6:00 with a vegetarian potluck dinner, then continue with a brief Shabbat/Sukkot service at 7:30. Smell a little esrog, shake a little lulav, and celebrate the bountiful harvest season!

For more information please use the Contact Us link.

Update: The weather is supposed to become cool and wet on Friday, but unless it is raining around our start time of 6pm, we will go ahead with our celebration.  (If it is raining hard at 6pm, we will cancel the event.)  Our goal is to be outside the entire evening, so please dress warmly and impermeably.