7 events found.
Yom Kippur Evening (via Zoom)
Everyone is welcome, but please contact Eric Goldman at ericbgoldman@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.
Yom Kippur Morning (In Person)
Everyone is welcome, but please contact Eric Goldman (ericbgoldman@gmail.com) for information about the service's location and the requirements for participation. These requirements are: (1) provision IN ADVANCE of proof of Covid vaccination, and (2) commitment to either wearing a mask … Continue reading
Yom Kippur Afternoon: Yizkor and Neilah (In Person)
Everyone is welcome, but please contact Eric Goldman (ericbgoldman@gmail.com) for information about the service's location and the requirements for participation. These requirements are: (1) provision IN ADVANCE of proof of Covid vaccination, and (2) commitment to either wearing a mask … Continue reading