Shabbat services this Friday

Shalom Chevrim, We are having Shabbat services this Friday. Moving forward we’re going to flip our schedule around. That means this service will start at 6:15 and we’ll do the potluck at 7:15. You can drop your food off at … Continue reading

Torah study on Shabbat morning January 19

Chevre, “Longing, we say, because desire is full / of endless distance” – Robert Hass As we begin our journey through the desert, I want to ask: What kind of Mom doesn’t send her kid off to school without lunch … Continue reading

Jewish political discussion group- January 30

Hello- Our next discussion group will be Wednesday January 30th from 7:30-9pm in the Avenues. Our topic will be diaspora, Israel and notions of a homeland (such as ideas of 'hereness' vs 'thereness'). Here are the suggested readings, although please … Continue reading

Torah Study – Shabbat Morning

“ Mighty Waters Cannot Quench Love…” (Shir Hashirim/Song of Songs)  In honor of Valentine’s Day (NOT a Jewish holiday to be sure) I propose looking at some stand out love stories from the Hebrew Bible… We will start with the story … Continue reading

Shabbat Service

CBY’s monthly Friday evening Shabbat service is this Friday, February 22nd.   The torah portion, Ki Tisa, is a terrific one.  It also inspired Mel Brooks’ best joke ever.  (See: We are going to continue our experiment of flipping the order … Continue reading