Torah Study – Shabbat Morning

“ Mighty Waters Cannot Quench Love…” (Shir Hashirim/Song of Songs)  In honor of Valentine’s Day (NOT a Jewish holiday to be sure) I propose looking at some stand out love stories from the Hebrew Bible… We will start with the story … Continue reading

Shabbat Service

CBY’s monthly Friday evening Shabbat service is this Friday, February 22nd.   The torah portion, Ki Tisa, is a terrific one.  It also inspired Mel Brooks’ best joke ever.  (See: We are going to continue our experiment of flipping the order … Continue reading

Shabbat Service

Dear CBY members and friends, Chavurah B’yachad is meeting this Friday, March 22nd for a Shabbath service lead by Jack and Joyce Dolcourt. Alan Fogel will provide the music. The service will be followed by a vegetarian potluck dinner. Please … Continue reading

Torah Study

Dear All, I know it has been awhile. Forgive me –lots of traveling and work. But with Pesach just around the corner, I thought we might do something different… The Haggadah is so gorgeous and filled with all kinds of … Continue reading

2019 CBY Seder – April 25

Hi All, Please save the date of Thursday, April 25th starting at 6 pm for CBY's Pesach Seder. It will be at the Unitarian Universalist church in Salt Lake City. Information about attending the seder and getting tickets are here … Continue reading

Next Political Discussion Group

Hello all, We'll be having our next political discussion group on Wednesday, May 8th, at 7:30pm. Contact Us for more information and location. The topic will be a continuation on our last discussion- we'll be talking about contemporary understandings of … Continue reading

CBY Shabbat Service/Potluck

Dear Friends, Come join in community this Friday, May 24th for a feminist themed service. Lauren Barth-Cohen and I and Alan Fogel will lead service beginning in the Peper Chapel at 6:30 pm. Please bring a dish to share at supper and place it … Continue reading