Summer Shabbat potluck/service

Chevre, We will be having a summer Shabbat potluck/service on July 26 at 6:00. We will start with a vegetarian potluck, then enjoy an outdoor service. It will be held at Betsy's house (use the Contact Us form for more … Continue reading

Torah Study (Resumes…!)

Where: Maeera’s When 9:30-11:00 What: A great Torah parsha (portion). Pichas: Tensions between Jews and non-Jews and women taking the law into their own hands…. Bring a Tanach (a Hebrew Bible) if you have one…The parsha is a juicy one … Continue reading

Tisha B’Av

Tisha B'Av  - the 9th day of Hebrew month of Av - is a major day of communal mourning, commemorating the destruction of the first and second Temples of Jerusalem.  

Torah Study (and Nosh) 9:30am

27 "Q" Street in SLC

Come to Maeera Shreiber's home for one of our monthly and enjoyable torah study session.  The torah portion is Re'eh.  To learn a little about it, click on the link below.    

Friday Night Dinner & Service 6:30pm

Congregation Kol Ami 2425 Heritage Way, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

This will be our last Friday night service of the year 5779.  We will begin promptly at 6:30pm in the Youth Lounge at Congregation Kol Ami with Kiddish and a vegetarian potluck dinner.  At 7:45pm, we will adjourn to the … Continue reading