Havdalah with Rabbi Spector

We are holding a special Havdalah potluck dinner on Saturday, June 15th, at the home of Joyce and Jack Dolcourt (use the Contact form for more information).  Our special guest will be Rabbi Sam Spector, who is wrapping up his … Continue reading

Summer Shabbat potluck/service

Chevre, We will be having a summer Shabbat potluck/service on July 26 at 6:00. We will start with a vegetarian potluck, then enjoy an outdoor service. It will be held at Betsy's house (use the Contact Us form for more … Continue reading

Torah Study (Resumes…!)

Where: Maeera’s When 9:30-11:00 What: A great Torah parsha (portion). Pichas: Tensions between Jews and non-Jews and women taking the law into their own hands…. Bring a Tanach (a Hebrew Bible) if you have one…The parsha is a juicy one … Continue reading

Tisha B’Av

Tisha B'Av  - the 9th day of Hebrew month of Av - is a major day of communal mourning, commemorating the destruction of the first and second Temples of Jerusalem. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tisha-bav-2019/  

Torah Study (and Nosh) 9:30am

27 "Q" Street in SLC

Come to Maeera Shreiber's home for one of our monthly and enjoyable torah study session.  The torah portion is Re'eh.  To learn a little about it, click on the link below.    

Friday Night Dinner & Service 6:30pm

Congregation Kol Ami 2425 Heritage Way, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

This will be our last Friday night service of the year 5779.  We will begin promptly at 6:30pm in the Youth Lounge at Congregation Kol Ami with Kiddish and a vegetarian potluck dinner.  At 7:45pm, we will adjourn to the … Continue reading