More About CBY

CBY’S MISSION STATEMENT: Reconstructionist Judaism cultivates and supports Jewish living, learning, and practice in a changing world.  We are guided by our commitment to being an inclusive, largely lay-led, community-oriented, egalitarian congregation, as well as to building a more compassionate world for everyone.

When our members founded Chavurah B’Yachad in 1986, they had a vision of what a congregation could be: a participatory setting for the exploration of our Jewish roots and traditions, a forum for intellectual and spiritual growth, an extended family to celebrate life cycle events.  We are a congregation of more than thirty households.  

Moving our Torah into its home in the Pepper Chapel.

Judaism as the Culture of the Jewish People

To us, Judaism is more than Jewish religion; Judaism is the entire cultural legacy of the Jewish people. Religion and tradition are central; Jewish spiritual insights and religious teachings give meaning and purpose to our lives. Our creativity as expressed through art, music and drama, languages and literature — and our relationship with the land of Israel, are also integral parts of Jewish culture. Each of these aspects provides a gateway into the Jewish experience that can enrich and inspire us in our lives today.

Community as Cornerstone

While deeply connected to the historical experience of the Jewish people, we find a profound sense of belonging in our contemporary communities as well. This connection often leads to increased ritual observance and experimentation with the ritual rhythms of Jewish life. We find meaning in rediscovering the richness of traditional ritual and creating new observances which respond to our contemporary communal and personal cycles.

Like other communities that embrace Reconstructing Judaism, CBY is  characterized by our respect for such core values as democratic process, social justice, and inclusion. In this way, they create participatory, egalitarian communities committed to exploring Jewish life with dedication, warmth and enthusiasm.

In accordance with our participatory approach, our Shabbat services are lay-led. We do a lot of singing and talking together during the service as a way to create a spiritual community that transcends the individual.

All are welcome at our services and events while exploring possible membership in the congregation.  Our members consist of both Jews by birth and Jews by choice.  Our community welcomes people of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Please join us!


Madeleine Sigman-Grant – CBY President

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